A new highlight video has been produced by our local public television station (KAMU), which features strengths of the group, the department, and its people.
MAESTRO members complete conference crusade
In the past two weeks, four lab members went to four different conferences to spread the MAESTRO gospel and represent Texas A&M engineering to a variety of different communities. Allen Davis attended the Vertical Flight Society meeting in Dallas, Texas, where he presented his latest work on adaptive rotorcraft design. Jacob Mingear gave an invited presentation (a great honor!) about his progress towards developing liquid metal-SMA actuators at the International Conference on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies (SMST) in Long Beach, California. Patrick Walgren briefed the DoD about his work on aperture design in Delaware. Finally, Dr. Hartl traveled to Houston for the SIMULIA Regional User’s Meeting and updated the Abaqus finite element community on his work training the next generation of Aggie structural engineers. Great job everyone!

Jacob wows the crowd by integrating a liquid metal energy circuit with an SMA actuator.

Allen presents his work on morphing rotorcraft in Dallas (presentation not shown).
MAESTRO Undergraduates place at Boeing Innovation Challenge
Mitchell Mu and Brady Allen were part of a team representing the brightest that Texas A&M Aerospace has to offer that went to Seattle to compete in the Boeing Innovation Challenge, where they placed 3rd. Huge congrats to them! To read more about their innovating, visit: https://engineering.tamu.edu/news/2020/01/texas-am-teams-excel-at-2019-boeing-innovation-challenge.html
Two MAESTRO Student Researchers win at Pitch Up! Competition

The Department of Aerospace Engineering at Texas A&M University hosted a Pitch Up! competition, giving undergraduate aerospace students the opportunity to showcase their technical work and receive feedback on their presentation skills.
Based on the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, Pitch Up! challenged the students to describe a technical project or research in which they were involved in three minutes. The students presented their work to a panel of judges that included individuals with technical and nontechnical backgrounds.
Sophomore Brady Allen won first place and $250 with his presentation on the thermodynamics of a Pratt and Whitney turbojet. Second place and the $150 prize went to senior Jacob Collins for his presentation on building a combustion ignition wind tunnel for hypersonic propulsion research. Junior Kevin Lieb took third place and $100 with a talk on acoustic analysis of a leading-edge slat cove filler. Freshmen Collin Invie and Joseph Heimerl were honorable mentions for their presentations on configurable origami antennae and model rocketry, respectively.
Take a look into the MAESTRO VR Lab
MAESTRO graduate students attend COE, Walgren awarded scholarship
Graduate students Pedro Leal and Patrick Walgren recently attended the Community of Experts (COE) Conference in New Orleans, LA from February 24th-27th. They spent the week networking with industry representatives (including engineers from Boeing, Textron, and Lockheed Martin), volunteering with conference logistics, and participated in an ePoster competition.
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Graduate Student wins Simulia poster contest
Graduate Student Patrick Walgren took home top honors in the academic poster competition at the Dassault-Systemes Simulia Regional Users Meeting (RUM). Patrick presented work completed during his summer internship at the Air Force Research Lab, titled “Structural Design of Adaptive Cylinders.”

Poster Presented at the RUM
Graduate Student Wins Best Student Oral Presentation Award at ICAST 2018
Graduate student Brent Bielefeldt represented the MAESTRO Lab at the 29th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies (ICAST) hosted by Konkuk University and the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in Seoul, South Korea. In addition to networking with members of the community and learning about recent advancements in the field of adaptive structures, Brent won Best Student Oral Presentation for his paper entitled “Expanding the Design Space Via Graph-Based Interpretation of L-System Encodings for Topology Optimization of Multifunctional Structures”. [Read more…] about Graduate Student Wins Best Student Oral Presentation Award at ICAST 2018
Graduate Summer Retreat 2018
After a hot summer where the graduate students were off doing internships in Indiana, Ohio, Alabama, Utah, and Colorado the Maestro Group decided to cool off for a weekend at a beach house in Rockport, Texas where we explored the mechanical properties of crab shells and its interfacing with sufficient amounts of butter.
MAESTRO Lab recognized at 2017 Aerospace Engineering Awards Banquet
On April 6, 2017 the Texas A&M Aerospace Engineering held their Annual Awards Banquet. The MAESTRO Lab has had a very productive year and received the following recognitions at the event. [Read more…] about MAESTRO Lab recognized at 2017 Aerospace Engineering Awards Banquet
MAESTRO Student Interning at NASA, Mapping Mars in Virtual Reality
Ask any 10-year-old what they want to be when they grow up, and chances are “an astronaut” is likely near the top of their list. For Michayal Mathew, a junior in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Texas A&M University, that dream never faded with time. Spending much of his childhood in League City, Texas, Mathew visited Johnson Space Center so many times he memorized each exhibit, acting as his own tour guide. This summer he is one step closer to fulfilling his dream of one day going to space — at least virtually.
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