Full (non-FEA) mechanical simulation of a self-folding torus
This research seeks to implement shape memory alloy (SMA) components into an origami-based actuator in a volume-efficient manner. Actuating SMA wires placed directly along the folds of an origami structure in a torsional manner was found to provide a highly compact adaptive configuration. This research includes both experimental and computational studies. To learn more about the research, see the following videos.
For more videos, please visit: https://www.youtube.com/user/tamuorigami
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Wood, L.J., Rendon, J., Malak, R.J. and Hartl, D., 2016, August. An origami-inspired, SMA actuated lifting structure. In International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (Vol. 50169, p. V05BT07A024). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.